I love the look on this website. Very contemporary logo designed with a light typeface. Pointers having the circles appear next to sub headings when hovered over.
Designed by Double D creative ltd in Cheshire i lover thier advertising strategy of using quirky straplines in their design to make a food product more fun! It also will attract the younger audience where this kind of food is more likely to be consumed.
I simply love this! This was a brand identity and packaging for the furniture and housewares retailer. I love how the typography adds a quirky feel to the design and how it is arrange to visualize what is inside the packaging! The colour palette is a very common range used by Pentagram which shows off their style and how they work to create such beautiful design such as this.
A very clean and sophisticated bit of branding done by Pentagram. Definitely shows off how Dubai as a city is known for its attention to detail and its beautiful views.