
Hello, this is my little blog of things which inspire me in the design world...enjoy!

Friday, 6 June 2008

calender design


Challenging a brief is really good. It makes the audience engage with it and sometimes interact with it aswell.

graphic deign



supermarket door graphics

i love typography


typography visuals

what is graphic design? lol

graphic design


Experimenting with existing objects, logo's anything makes you look differently at something. But putting something creative into these is very clever. I feel as graphic designers we can experiment with existing design and play with it and this is exactaly what this designer has done.

Phil Dunne

Very visually engaging. This is something which has really got my attention and is something i want to experiment with next year.



Computerarts was a site which i really enjoyed looking at. Im not very good at working with mixed media as i like this to look professional. But this has really inspired me, it really makes you want to look more into detail at the picture. The colours also make the design more appealing to people who are just flicking through.