
Hello, this is my little blog of things which inspire me in the design world...enjoy!

Friday, 17 October 2008

Maxwell Lord

I really appreciate this piece of design. Being a Hindu, the symbol of my religon is very important to me as it gives me identity. The attention to detail makes it very beautiful.

Visual Poetry

A book by Johannes Kerkhoven [a graphic artist/photographer] which i came across where his poetry was displayed visually through type. All of these look very interesting in the way they text is layed out.

Family Trees

Zang Haun's design of his family tree. Very visual, but as it gets to the end it looks preety scary! This just prooves that all family trees dont have to look like a complicated diagram.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

What is Good?

2nd year has started with a bang again! Our first brief is asking us What is Good!? So..what is good? there are many things in life which are 'good' and what makes us happy, but these good things are also percieved as bad!

My two main themes i am going to explore are 'social netowrking' and 'swearing'.

Social Networking- friends and family are good to have in your life, they are there to support you and be there for you during the good and bad times, however..if you have had family problems, if you have been put into care or backstabbed about these things therefore become bad. For this idea i have thought about the idea of having greeting cards, letters etc. to make people smile.


Swearing- is a good thing when your are really fustrated, it takes a lot of anger off your chest, however, swearing could or is a bad thing as people would find it offensive if you swore all the time in front of them. This idea has got my design buds tingling and i thought it would be quiet funny to promote a national swearing day!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Hue, Saturation and Brightness

This was the label which came off a coke bottle. I decide to use just a crop of this to experiment with hue, saturation and brightness.


The hue is the unique characteristic of the colour. You can see how the colour is changing as i was messing about with the hue levels.


This is the purity of the colour. As you can see from the left colour is very grey and as saturation levels are moved up colour is increasing in the image.


This refers to how light or dark a colour is.