
Hello, this is my little blog of things which inspire me in the design world...enjoy!

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Autumn Wedding Invite

The warm use of colour to resemble the leaves found in autumn is a great way to invite people to an autumn wedding. The invitation looks very contemporary and is consistant throughout. This has definatley inspired me.

Laptop Packaging

I thought the idea behind this laptop packaging was very new and had a contemporary look it it! i wish my mac came in this kind of package!

Pancake and Franks

Pancake & Franks designs are fresh and unique. Their originality is due to the simplicity of their work. There use of one or two colours on the stock printed makes design stand out.

Walt Whitman once said,
"Simplicity is the Glory of Expression,"

I could not agree with him more.

Wedding Invitation.

Note Card.

Black wedding invitation.

Baby Announcement.


This is something i found when i was researching when i was looking for wedding invitatations for inspiration. I think the idea of using the same font to write both the bride and grooms name with a slight twitch is very clever.

Paper Quilling

Yulia Brodskaya absolutely breathtaking work truly takes quilling to the next level. The detail, the color, the skill involved in these creations — I’m so inspired.

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Inspirational Posters

This series of inspirational posters for creatives by designer/illustrator Frank Chimero are worthy of wall space in any designer's office.

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Creative Advertising

Recently i have been looking at some very creative pieces of advertising. These pieces of design intrigue me.

Anthony Burrill

This designer works with Woodblock letterpress prints.
Here are a few examples of the Popular Aphorisms he designed.