
Hello, this is my little blog of things which inspire me in the design world...enjoy!

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Business Cards with good concepts

The Cat Box

Chocolate Bar

Divorce Lawyer

Kevin Mitnick who was a famous hacker who spent time in jail. When he got out of jail he started a security company.

A plant growing from a business card...could these get any better?

Farm-100% wool

Personal Trainer:

Monday, 27 April 2009

Icey Type

I think these are cool..

Alpha Table

From Crate & Barrel-Alpha Coffee Table.

This one-of-a-kind conversation table was inspired by a Paris flea market find, then designed exclusively for us by a London graphic designer with a penchant for, and a large personal collection of, antique printers' blocks. Iconic top is carved from one single piece of wood with raised letters and numbers painted in 10 different colors. Vintage crackled finish varies slightly from table to table and adds to the "as found" charm. Top is protected with tempered glass and framed modern in a soft black powdercoated steel base.

Parking Tickets from Shinebox Print

Could you even get mad if someone left such a nicely designed reminder on your windshield?

Nice business cards

Who would have thought this was a business card..

Clever Business Cards for Matthew Anderson

Keetra Dean Dixon

Artist/designer Keetra Dean Dixon often plays with type.

Contemporary wedding invite

A fantastic, non-traditional wedding invitation with nary a script face in sight.

We Make Letters

When i first looked at tis website i thought it was really cute. Amy and Luci transform household items into letters. I think this is a very imaginative and creative approch to making typefaces with items which we use everyday.

Julene Harrison

Julene Harrison makes gorgeous cut paper type

Friday, 17 April 2009

Graphic House

CD packaging

Today, ive been looking at ways in which my cd portfolio could be packaged. Here are a few inspiratonal pieces i have found:

Thursday, 16 April 2009


Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Mumbai, India
Creative Directors: Anup Chitnis, Rensil D'silva
Art Director / Copywriter: Bosky Doshi
Published: August 2007


commands by atmostheory

Some nice bits of packaging