
Hello, this is my little blog of things which inspire me in the design world...enjoy!

Thursday 20 November 2008

My initial ideas

Theres were my initial swear card ideas. After producing these i found i was putting a swear in for the sake of it and these were very similar to the david morris cards which i had found before. So..

..I looked at having a more interactive card where you have an option to personalise your card and choose weather you want to have a swear or be subtle.

I also thought about having 2 versions and looked at how a common person would swear and how a posh person would swear just to show the comparasions.

I felt like my designs werent strong enough and decided to take my project down a different route. This was a big turning point for me.

I decided to take rude phrases and put them into context for different occasions. For e.g Suck me > picture of a dummy > valentines day. I know this is probablly not something i would like to recieve on valentines day but when you see the dummy, it becomes funny as you can see the joke. These were my mock ups, experimenting with different paper stocks.

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