
Hello, this is my little blog of things which inspire me in the design world...enjoy!

Friday, 13 March 2009

Paula Scher

It seems a bit ironic that Paula Scher began her career as an illustrator but has received the greatest recognition for her use of typography. As an art director at Atlantic and CBS Records in the 1970s, she created numerous album covers with strong graphic and typographic designs, eschewing the genre's dominant and conventional uses of photography and illustration. Today she is a partner in Pentagram's New York office producing identities, posters, exhibition designs, and the like for such organizations as the Public Theater of New York, the Lincoln Center Jazz programs, the American Museum of Natural History, and Herman Miller. She has drawn inspiration from a diverse range of historical design, which she admires for its emotional resonance and appeal to contemporary audiences. When she says "I'd rather be the Beatles than Philip Glass," she acknowledges her own characterization as a "Pop designer."

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