
Hello, this is my little blog of things which inspire me in the design world...enjoy!

Thursday, 16 July 2009


This is the final point of sale display for the Nikon Camera Christmas offer. As you can see i changed the background to my original idea so it flowed better with the leaflet design. Im really happy with this and i cant believe i did something like this within a couple of days!

I prepared the images to apply on the concept boards to show the clients. This is something which i will be doing in future when preparing concept boards. I never use to add drop shows onto any of my work and now i realise that it makes such a difference to design why your trying to sell it to someone who has never seen it before.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

POS for leaflet display!

So as i was designing my concept ideas for the Merlin Attraction offers, Gary designed a new concept idea for the Christmas promotion, as this is the one he decided to pitch across to the client, due to Christmas being the next big festival where it was more likey to be used. So..

I made my very first POS leaflet display this afternoon. I think its pretty good and works well..

Oh and also, i learnt how to make a brush in photoshop which i never knew!
1. Select the image you want with the rectangular marquee tool
2. Edit>Define Brush Preset...its as simple as that!

Day 3 at Grass Roots

I had so much fun today..i went over to the other building with a designer called Aaron on the digital production team. I helped him stage and photograph the Barcleys Marketing team, which were going to go on the companys website.

I also had the opportunity to sit on a briefing with this guy called Pat, he was absolutely crazy!!! But so full of energy!

He briefed Aaron about a web promotion BMW had coming up and pitched a few of his ideas across. Some of them were really good and they got my creative mind ticking aswell. The theme was based around 'Joy' and BMW's relationship between their customers and their product. The idea was to advertise an 'open weekend' promotion they are having which was basically having the opportunity to test drive one of their cars and win a holiday to Africa or Sweden. So therefore, working with two completely opposite countries with the hotness and the coldness and somehow combining them both together.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

How to fold a DL size leaflet properly!

Gary took a bit of time out to show me how to produce mock ups to a professional level. I know this is a bit geeky but it is definitely going to help me in future.

1. Print out two seperate sides of the leaflet
2. Score the central croplines using the back of the scalpal
3. Cut off the edges in an 'L' shape on the opposite side of each leaflet
4. Cut roughly around the edge of the uncut page
5. Stick together the edges and press down firmly
6. Fold the leaflet together and cut off excess bleed marks
7. PERFECT! Nice folded leaflet

Work Experience

Ive been working at Grass roots for 2 days now and i love it! People are nice here and the place...well its an old barn house been converted to offices!

I have been working on a brief for the past 2 days now and ive finally finished it! Nikon cameras needed a leaflet designing to advertise their promotions if customers spent £100 or more on any Nikon Camera.

Their promotions included a free trip to Australia, a free photoprinter or free tickets to the merlin attractions.

The Australia and photoprinter ones were already done...i had the task of workin on the merlin attractions one!

Imagery relating to this topic were already found...so all i had to do was put something together which related to 'merlin attractions' and the process in what happens after you know you are entitled to a new camera!



Friday, 10 July 2009

Snap Clothing!

Ive just entered the Snap Clothing competition and guess what...There is CASH PRIZE of £30!!! I know that isnt much but its still something! Im really impressed with my outcome so lets hope its a winner!

Snap Clothing is an urban streetwear company who designs customized tshirts for everyone!

Mishi Design!

Ive been thinking of a name for myself for ages! and finally after having a very long conversation with a friend i came up with something! My design work is going to be known as:


He came up with this as he combined both my first and second name!! I personally think it has a nice twist to it! I spent all day yesterday designing some kind of corporate logo for myself to give my work some kind of identity. These were my 3 favorite!

Monday, 6 July 2009


I recently got this book and ive literally fallen in love with it. Theres lots of examples of contemporary corporate design which has been and will always be a big inspiration to me in the future and my career in design!

Below are a few of my favorite logos form the book.