
Hello, this is my little blog of things which inspire me in the design world...enjoy!

Thursday, 15 May 2008


We all got given a word out of the randomiser box which consists of random words as you could probably guess from its name! My word was 'Structure'

From this word we had to produce a set of numbers from 0-9 communicating that word.

I looked at a book called New New York by Ian Luna which really inspired me. He looked at structured buildings in New York and also picked out and identified numbers which were found in the structures of the buildings.

I also looked at one of his photographs and picked out possible shapes of number which i could see in the actual structure.

After doing the research i decided to design my own typeface communicating the work 'structure.

After creating these i decided to put them in situation and incorporate them in a 'building structure'.

I also tried making numbers out of objects. I chose to use 'Jenga' blocks as i thought this would be a appropriate to my word. Jenga blocks are usually stacked up to build a tower or a possible 'structure' to play the game. Here is what my typeface looked like...

My typeface was a success, however this could have benefited from creating an actual 3D structure which is something i may consider next time when doing a brief like this.

For my final image i chose the structure of the numbers on the top of buildings as i thought this communicated 'structure' the best out of all my designs.

In my first attempt, i decided to print in black and white as i thought this would give my nice dull colours for a built structure as i saw in myy research in the 'new new york' book.

After producing this in black and white, i didn't like the look of it so i decided to do it in colour, by adding little yellow window shapes to add additional detail.

Overall i was pleased with my final piece of work. If i was to do this again i would probably experiment with have the typeface emerging from building rather than it just being sat on top! This would give it a more interesting and appealing approach to the word 'structure' and change the whole feel to the design.

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